Friday 25 January 2013

Editing FOUR

We are working really well as a group, we are all on the same page with the same view of the video. I think this is why we have worked though it so quickly. The disagreements that we do have only lead to improvement of the video.
We sometimes have a problem with the lipsyncing of the video. What looks perfect to one member of the group looks off sync to another. It takes time to think whether the footage is too fast or too slow or whether Malory is just singing the wrong words or whether that line was repeated at another part of the song but at a different tone or speed to the sync is different.
What we are finding very time consuming and frustrating is when we put a clip onto the timeline it cuts the music and put s the whole video out of sync. We have to put the clip on the very top line of the timeline, lock it, scroll back down, delete the music and then slot the shot into the right place. It doesn't sound like much but when we have to do it for every shot it gets annoying.

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