Wednesday 7 November 2012

Analysis of music video - Katy Perry

Katy Perry stars as geeky teenager Kathy Terry in her video Last Friday Night (TGIF). This music video was directed by Marc Klasfeld, also known for directing videos by Pixie Lott to Bon Jovi. This pop video is different to Katy Perrys' other videos, although all are light hearted and fun it is the first to be shown as a short movie. The video is clearly a Pop video from the upbeat tempo, business of the video and vivid colours.

The lyrics are illustrated by the visuals. The song is about a party on Friday night and the visuals are showing the party. We see 'Kathy' the morning after the party having a flash back to the party, we see this visually rather than through the lyrics.

Instrumentals are illustrated by people playing instruments, (Hanson and Kenny G).
The video does cut to the beat but not obviously. I think this is because they are making the music to be almost like a sound track to this short movie. Also because it is a messy party the fact that it doesn't always cut to the beat almost emphasises this.

There are a lot of close ups of the artist and her new image makes her comical. This makes a connection between her and the audience as they see her having a laugh and therefore feel like they know her more than they do as they can laugh with her.

Because of the nature of the video, it turns voyeurism on its head and the notion of looking. They are all 'geeky' characters and so there is not much view of the female body which is usually expected in music videos these days. There are however some characters for female gaze eg 'jocks' with six packs.
After her make over there are some notions of sexual displays as the boys are looking at her differently and she wakes up in bed with a guy.

The video is narrative based as we can easily establish a stroy line of a young girl going to a party, seeing a guy she likes, getting a make over, getting the guy and waking up in bed with him. We see this all through a party which could be seen as a performance.

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