Wednesday 7 November 2012

Influential music video - Jake Bugg

This video staring new artist Jake Bugg was really inspiring for our new idea of music video. It shows a young boy in white heart. It is very simple and naturalistic following him through the streets and seeing the sights. There is no real narrative, the video is more artistic which is what we want to go for. There is also no reference to voyeurism. There is no evidence of intertextuality however if audience recognises the location it has the same effect which we hope will show also in our video.

I like the shots of him in the record shop and of the bikes.

I think it's really naturalistic and we get an insight to his life making us feel part of his life.

There is a difference between the main action and his singing. Sequences where he is singing are in black and white where as the rest of the footage is in colour.

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