Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Applying Goodwins theory

Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics.
This music video demonstrates genre characteristics. The song is a pop song and the video shows this through the performance. Along with dance routine through out, there is an emphasis on narrative. The video is around 9 minutes, it is like a short film. Two large acts, Lady Gaga the artist and Beyonce both star in the video as girls in distress.

There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals.
The visuals amplify the lyrics in some ways and in others do not relate to the lyrics at all. For example she's talking about her 'telephone' and we see this amplified through the visuals through her costume. PICTURE.
However the video does not match the lyrics in the way that she is talking on the phone about how she is in a club 'It's my favourite song they're gonna play, and I cannot text with a drink in my hand..' The video is illustrating what is really happening that she seems to be covering up by saying that she is in a club.

There is a relationship between music and visuals 
The music is very upbeat and dance-y, the visuals match this as there is a lot of dance through out the video. It is very fast paced and therefore the editing and camera movement is fast paced also.

The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur their work. 
Lady Gaga is known for being larger than life or different to other artists, excentric. Therefore the fact that this video is almost like a short film shows her as an artist and establishes how she is different to others in the industry. Her excentic clothing or lack of clothing also promotes this.
There are many close ups of Lady Gaga and Beyonce in order to sell the artist.

There is frequent reference to notion of looking and particular voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
CCTV cameras are used  few times in the video. Also the fact that the women are behind bars there is notions of looking into their cell. Its not a place that they should not be which makes it feel like a place you should not be looking in on. 
Camera angles are used to emphasise parts of the female body. Provocative clothing or very little clothing is used to attract the male gaze.

There is often intertextuality reference. 
This video references a news programme and a cooking show, as demonstrated from the below pictures.

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